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Visits of vision (習(xí)近平主席的海外足跡)

2023-10-31 11:15 | 來(lái)源: 中國(guó)記協(xié)網(wǎng)
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Visits of vision (習(xí)近平主席的海外足跡)

Xi's trips to Washington state deepen ties, knowledge

By LINDA DENG?in Seattle

Editor's note:?China Daily is publishing a series of stories reviewing President Xi Jinping's visits at home and abroad in the past decade, to showcase his vision for development in China and the world.

The visit was nearly seven years ago, but it is etched so clearly on Nathan Bowling's mind that it is as though it happened yesterday.

On Sept 23, 2015, Bowling was teaching a sociology class at Lincoln High School in Tacoma, Washington state, but this was to be no routine lesson. Standing in the classroom before him and his students was a very special guest: Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Xi's school visit was his last public stop during a visit to Washington state. He would meet members of the Lincoln High School football team and receive a custom No 1 Lincoln Abes' game jersey with his name on it.

"At one point, we had a conversation about whether they could shake his hand or not," Bowling said of his students. "And I was like, 'Of course not. No way.' And then, when he stuck his hand out to shake hands with the kids in the row, the first kid squealed, like it was the Beatles. That was really cool to me. That means they understood the gravity of the moment."

Among the many things Bowling clearly recalls about the visit is what Xi said about China.

Bowling recalled Xi as saying something to the effect of when you go to Xi'an, you can see China more than 1,000 years in the past; when you go to Beijing you can see 500 years in the past; and when you go to Shanghai you can see 100 years in the past.

"And that passage really stuck with me. That's kind of a demonstration of the depth of Chinese history."

Bowling and his wife have visited China many times since 2014. They have worked with high school students and middle school students in Chengdu, Sichuan province. The other cities they have toured include Beijing, Macao, Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Bowling said his trips to China have enabled him to deepen his knowledge far beyond what people can get from a book. On each trip, he said, he has been "blown away" by the country, its people and their generosity.

In 2019, Bowling and his family moved to the United Arab Emirates, and his most recent trip to China was in 2020, when he accompanied his students to a conference at Concordia International School in Shanghai.

"I have fond memories also of the first host family we stayed with. They were just like everyday Chinese ... middle-class people, who were living very, very happy lives.

"I learned how to play mahjong and how to make dumplings. I think what really made that visit meaningful is that I was able to bring some of that culture and some of the history to my students. And that's what the president offered with his visits."

After exchanging gifts and speaking with students that day in Tacoma, Xi made a speech in the school auditorium.

Because of her involvement with the Lincoln Lady Abes basketball team, Shauntel Berry was able to witness the speech. What she remembered most clearly was the delay between Xi saying in Chinese that 100 students were to be invited to travel to China, and then the translation from the interpreter. Everyone was cheering, probably hoping to be one of those selected, she said.

"Initially, I didn't understand why President Xi was visiting my high school out of all the other schools," Berry said. "Before, I was not aware of the connection between Lincoln and China.

"Having never traveled, I had no prior opinions about China. … I had no idea what life was like outside of my own (country). In being gifted with an opportunity to observe and experience a different way of living, I will forever be thankful to President Xi."

In 2016, Berry visited China as one of those 100 students invited.

"Traveling to China made me realize we're all living different lives, and there's more than one way to live. I took notice of the values and the normality of respect of the Chinese people, a shock compared to here in the states.

"There is a level of tradition that seemed to be maintained no matter where you were. My great-grandfather Lee, who was Chinese, but born in India, would always introduce me to different Asian foods and snacks while growing up. Having those experiences only made me want to know more.

"Traveling to China was not only a way to learn about the culture, but also respect the land that my ancestors had once walked. The week spent there was not nearly enough time. There was so much I wanted to explore and see."

Berry said she plans to study in China and would like to learn about the origins of traditional Chinese medicine.

Lincoln High School Principal Patrick Erwin, said: "The president's visit (in 2015) opened my students' eyes to the rest of the world, specifically China. They have never met or been in the presence of a leader of his magnitude, so that made it special, but the gift of travel that he gave to our students will never be forgotten.

"The visit dazzled them, and the ensuing trip changed their lives forever. I have students that planned on studying in China before the pandemic and still hope to do so once things return to normal."

It was Xi's second visit to Tacoma, his first being 22 years earlier when he was Party secretary of Fuzhou, capital of Fujian province. A year later, Tacoma and Fuzhou would become sister cities.

In 2008, to facilitate ties between teachers, students, sports and culture, Lincoln High School signed a memorandum with the Affiliated High School of Fuzhou Institute of Education.

More frequent cultural and educational exchanges after that spawned a fruitful relationship that helped set the stage for Xi's visit.

Last year, Erwin wrote to Xi and briefed him about student exchanges in recent years. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the school received about 10 student-group visits from China and welcomed 25 to 50 Chinese exchange students to Tacoma each year.

Students and teachers were forever changed by what they saw in the schools they visited in China, Erwin said.

"Dedicated students, excellent teaching and a focus on education as the gateway to a better life. I know the students who visited returned home committed to doing more to try and keep up with their Chinese friends."































記者:LINDA DENG (鄧彧)

President's Belgian trip fostered affection

By CHEN WEIHUA in Brussels

Editor's note:?China Daily is publishing a series of stories reviewing President Xi Jinping's visits at home and abroad in the past decade, to showcase his vision for development in China and the world.

Eric Domb, the founder and chief executive officer of the Pairi Daiza zoo and botanical garden in Belgium, beamed when he recalled a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan on March 30, 2014.

It was shortly after the arrival in Belgium of Xing Hui and Hao Hao, the first pair of giant pandas there.

Accompanied by Belgium's King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, Xi inaugurated the Chinese garden at Pairi Daiza, including planting a magnolia tree, about 60 kilometers south of the Belgian capital of Brussels.

"We were very honored," Domb said of the visit, the first trip to the zoo and garden by a head of state other than the Belgian king. "We spent more than an hour together. We had a wonderful time."

Domb said most of the time was spent visiting the Chinese garden, and he was amazed that the Chinese president knew so much about classic gardens. He was also impressed by how good Xi was at planting the magnolia tree like a real gardener, unlike many government officials.

"He was a very humble man, low-profile, fantastic."

The Chinese garden, occupying 45,000 square meters and now the home of the five giant pandas, was built by workers from Shanghai, people whom Domb described as "real friends and good friends".

The ponds, pavilions, temples, bridges, rocks, sculptures, potted landscape, bamboos, medicinal herbs, flowers and other trees and plants from China, as well as a teahouse and Chinese restaurant, take visitors on a tour of China.

The Chinese gardeners summon philosophy, history, legends, religion and symbolism, Pairi Daiza, a privately owned zoo, says in its introduction to visitors.

Domb said that the giant pandas in such a surrounding are what is important to visitors.

"It's a fantastic opportunity to open people to all cultures. We have a lot to learn about other cultures and philosophies, all the wisdom."

Domb was happy that the Chinese workers who helped build the garden at the time were so excited to see their own president and shake his hand.

"It was a beautiful moment," he said. "These people have been working very hard. They are great workers."

He was proud that the archway in the Chinese garden has the Chinese characters of "Chinese dream "on top, a pure coincidence with Xi's slogan on the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Xi's visit to Belgium in 2014 was the first state visit made by a Chinese head of state to the country in 27 years. He and his wife Peng were welcomed at the airport by the then Belgian prime minister Elio Di Rupo. King Philippe held a grand welcoming ceremony for Xi before their meeting.

During the visit, Xi also laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He had talks with Di Rupo and parliamentary leaders. The two countries signed agreements covering the economy and trade, science and telecommunications and education.

In addition to the zoo, Xi visited the Volvo Car Group facilities in Ghent, accompanied by King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. He also addressed students and faculty on Chinese civilization and China-EU relations at the College of Europe in Bruges.

During his stay in Brussels, Xi also visited EU headquarters and met EU leaders, becoming the first Chinese head of state to visit EU headquarters since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and EU in 1975.

Just a year later on June 23, 2015, Xi welcomed King Philippe to Beijing for a weeklong state visit at Xi's invitation. It was the king's first state visit overseas since he was crowned in July 2013.

On Oct 25, 2021, Xi and King Philippe exchanged congratulatory messages on the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties.

Ties between China and Belgium have expanded greatly over the decades. According to the Belgian government, their bilateral trade was worth 32.8 billion euros ($34.3 billion) last year, 22.8 percent higher than in 2020.

There are 32 pairs of sister cities between the two countries.

"China and Belgium have adhered to free trade and an open global economy, welcomed each other's enterprises and people, actively carried out practical cooperation in various fields, not only benefiting themselves, but driving each other's development through cooperation," China's ambassador to Belgium, Cao Zhongming, wrote in an opinion piece in China Daily in October marking the 50th anniversary of relations.

Before the pandemic broke out, Domb said he had visited China every year and has visited the country 25 times in total.

During one of the visits, he met Xi and Peng again. This was when Domb attended a dinner event in Beijing with the visiting Belgian delegation a year after Xi's visit to Pairi Daiza.

During a brief chat, Peng asked if the giant pandas Xing Hui and Hao Hao had a baby yet.

Domb said, "Madame, I promise we will have a baby very soon."

He immediately started to contact giant panda scientists in Sichuan province, where Xing Hui and Hao Hao came from. On June 2, 2016, Hao Hao, who had been artificially inseminated with Xing Hui's sperm, gave birth to the cub Tian Bao. It was the first giant panda born in Belgium.

"In a sense, Tian Bao was a promise to the first lady," Domb told China Daily on June 2 when zoo staff and giant panda fans held a celebration for Tian Bao's sixth birthday.

Hao Hao, again through artificial insemination, gave birth to twin cubs on Aug 8, 2019. One is male Bao Di and the female cub is Bao Mei, "a dragon and phoenix" in Domb's words, quoting Chinese tradition.

Domb said he is frustrated that he still cannot travel to China because of the pandemic.

He had relished his trips to Suzhou, Jiangsu province, to appreciate its traditional Chinese gardens, to Fujian province to discover the tea and Hakka culture, to Jingdezhen to search for Chinese porcelain and to Yixing for Chinese pottery.

He has been fascinated by Chinese culture and inventions since his childhood, when his parents displayed Chinese porcelain and Tang Dynasty (618-907) sculptures in their home, he said. He also developed a strong appreciation for Chinese silk and tea culture. He has fallen in love with Chinese food from jellyfish to fermented tofu.

"I must have Chinese blood from my ancestors," Domb said. "I don't have such feeling with other people."


  習(xí)近平主席比利時(shí)之行:增進(jìn)感情 厚植友誼

  2014 年 3 月 30 日,出訪比利時(shí)期間,中國(guó)國(guó)家主席習(xí)近平和夫人彭麗媛出席了天堂動(dòng)物園“大熊貓園”開(kāi)園儀式。談及此,比利時(shí)天堂公園創(chuàng)始人兼園長(zhǎng)埃里克·董伯至今難以忘懷。







  “中國(guó)園”占地 4.5萬(wàn)平方米,現(xiàn)在已是五只大熊貓的家。中國(guó)園由來(lái)自上海的工人建造,董伯說(shuō)他們是“真朋友、好朋友”。


















  僅僅一年后的 2015 年 6 月 23 日,應(yīng)習(xí)近平主席的邀請(qǐng),菲利普國(guó)王對(duì)中國(guó)進(jìn)行了為期一周的國(guó)事訪問(wèn)。

  這是菲利普國(guó)王自 2013 年 7 月加冕以來(lái)的首場(chǎng)海外國(guó)事訪問(wèn)。



  比利時(shí)政府稱(chēng),去年兩國(guó)雙邊貿(mào)易額為 328 億歐元(約2312億元人民幣),比 2020 年增長(zhǎng)了 22.8%。
























Friendship with Pakistan grows deeper

By CHEN YINGQUN in Beijing and XU WEIWEI in Hong Kong

Since President Xi's trip in 2015, ties with China have continued to flourish

Editor's note:?China Daily is publishing a series of stories reviewing President Xi Jinping's visits at home and abroad in the past decade, to showcase his vision for development in China and around the world.

Seven years have passed, but Pakistan's Ambassador to China Moin ul Haque still remembers all the details of the preparations his team made to welcome the historic visit of President Xi Jinping.

"Pakistan's capital city, Islamabad, was transformed and decorated, with special illumination in many parts of the city," said Haque, then chief of protocol of Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Flags, beautiful slogans and huge billboards bearing portraits of the two countries' leaders lined the streets. The city looked very festive."

Signboards in both Chinese and English said, "Pakistan-China friendship is higher than mountains, deeper than oceans, sweeter than honey and stronger than steel." Other slogans included "Long live the Pakistan-China friendship" and "Pakistan and China are iron friends".

Pakistan's Air Force had deployed an escort of eight JF-17 Thunder fighter jets, jointly made by the two countries, when Xi's aircraft entered the country's airspace, Haque said.

"This was unprecedented-it was only for President Xi that we had such a great reception."

The visit, from April 20 to 21,2015, was Xi's first state visit to Pakistan.

"To ensure everything went well, we held many rehearsals for different occasions," Haque said. For instance, he asked Pakistan International Airlines to supply the same model of aircraft in which Xi would fly for use in a rehearsal of the arrival ceremony, including where it would stop and where government officials and hundreds of students from various schools would stand to welcome Xi.

"President Xi is greatly admired in Pakistan, as a statesman, a visionary leader and someone who has served his people and follows a people-centric approach," Haque said.

The people of Pakistan laud China's "great miracle" of eradicating absolute poverty and lifting nearly 800 million people out of poverty since reform and opening-up began in the late 1970s, he said.

Pakistanis also appreciate Xi's commitment to the two countries' friendship.

"During that visit, we were really touched by his words and speeches about this important relationship and how he saw its future."

China and Pakistan upgraded their relationship during the visit to an all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation.

"China and Pakistan have always trusted, understood and supported each other, and are all-weather friends," Xi said. "The Chinese side highly values its relationship with Pakistan and has always placed the relationship in a priority position in its foreign policy agenda."

The upgrade of bilateral relations came as the two countries were gearing up for an expansion of collaboration in various fields, with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, a flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, high on the agenda.

The corridor is a planned network of roads, railways and energy projects linking deep-water Gwadar Port in southwest Pakistan with the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in Northwest China.

On the same day, the two countries signed 51 agreements and memorandums of understanding focusing on the areas of energy, transportation infrastructure, industry and the development of Gwadar Port. More than 30 agreements were designed to give impetus to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

During Xi's visit, he addressed a joint session of Pakistan's Parliament and conferred friendship awards on Pakistani individuals and groups, commending the unremitting contribution they had made to promoting the friendship between the two countries. Xi also planted a China-Pakistan Friendship Tree on the lawn of the prime minister's residence in Islamabad.

Mushahid Hussain Sayed, chairman of the Pakistani Senate's Defense Committee and a representative of the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), said that "it was a matter of great honor and privilege" that Xi had presented him with the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Friendship Award in Islamabad.

"It was a very gracious gesture by the relaxed and smiling president and global statesman when he extended his firm handshake with these warm words of appreciation: 'Congratulations, thank you for your contributions to friendship between China and Pakistan.'"

Historic significance

Xi's visit had historic significance for the bilateral relationship and lifted it to a higher level, Haque said. The all-weather strategic cooperative partnership of cooperation means that the China-Pakistan relationship has stood the test of time, he said, and is an "iron brotherhood" enjoying support across the political spectrum and covering every aspect of the relationship, from political to defense, security, trade, investment, culture and global issues.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, "which was high on the agenda, has become a game changer that has really transformed the economic landscape of Pakistan over the past few years", Haque said. Its projects have upgraded the country's infrastructure, such as roads, highways and fiber-optic communication networks.

"This is extremely important, because without proper modern infrastructure one cannot have economic development," Haque added.

Many energy projects of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor have helped address Pakistan's acute energy shortages, he said.

Gwadar Port, seen as the crown jewel of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, has become a modern functional port, after once having been a small fishing village. Around the port, a free trade zone has been built, with ancillary facilities including schools, hospitals and a new airport. More industrial plants are being built there, he said.

"The construction of the port will not only help the local people improve their livelihood, but will also benefit trade links between our two countries as well as connectivity with the Central Asian region," Haque said.

Pakistan's embassy in Beijing said the economic corridor has created 75,000 jobs in Pakistan, and the project accounts for 1 to 2 percent of the country's GDP each year.

Pakistan's annual plan for 2022-23 says the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor strongly emphasizes industrialization, agricultural modernization and scientific and technological development. The goal is to reap the dividends of investment made in the first phase (2015-20) in transportation and energy infrastructure projects.

Talat Shabbir, director of the China-Pakistan Study Centre at the Institute of Strategic Studies in Islamabad, said the essence of the second phase is industrial collaboration. A priority is for four special economic zones to be established. These have been initiated to strengthen the industrial sector, promote trade, generate employment and boost Pakistan's economic growth, Shabbir said.

Fruitful cooperation

"The fundamental problem in Pakistan's economy is that it lags far behind in industrial development, which has resulted in more imports than exports," he said. "No doubt, the industrial cooperation shall render great help to revive Pakistan's fragile economy."

Shabbir added that China "has advantages in experience, technology, financing and industrial capacity, while Pakistan enjoys favorable conditions in natural resources, adequate manpower, quality infrastructure and access to international markets".

Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan, director of the Center for South Asia & International Studies in Islamabad, said the country's notable GDP increase as a result of infrastructure investment will help lift 1.1 million people out of extreme poverty by 2030.

Makhdoom Babar, president of the Daily Mail Pakistan and chairman of the Pakistan Institute of China Studies, said the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is being successfully implemented, and the completion of energy, industrial, connectivity and socioeconomic aspects will "change the socioeconomic landscape of underdeveloped areas in Pakistan".





  雖然已經(jīng)過(guò)去了七年,但是巴基斯坦駐華大使莫因·哈克(Moin ul Haque)仍然記得他的團(tuán)隊(duì)為迎接習(xí)近平主席的歷史性訪問(wèn)所做準(zhǔn)備的全部細(xì)節(jié)。

  時(shí)任巴基斯坦外交部禮賓司司長(zhǎng)的哈克說(shuō): “巴基斯坦首都伊斯蘭堡進(jìn)行了一些改造和裝飾,城市的許多地方都亮起了彩燈?!?/p>


  標(biāo)語(yǔ)牌上用中英文寫(xiě)著: “中巴友誼比山高、比海深、比蜜甜、比鋼硬?!逼渌谔?hào)還包括“巴中友誼萬(wàn)歲”和“巴中是鐵哥們”。




  哈克說(shuō): “為了確保一切順利,我們針對(duì)不同的活動(dòng)場(chǎng)合進(jìn)行了多次彩排?!崩纾蟀突固箛?guó)際航空公司提供同一型號(hào)的飛機(jī)參加抵達(dá)時(shí)的歡迎儀式的排練,包括飛機(jī)將在哪里停留,政府官員和來(lái)自多所學(xué)校的數(shù)百名學(xué)生站在哪里歡迎習(xí)主席。

  哈克說(shuō): “習(xí)主席在巴基斯坦備受尊敬。因?yàn)樗且晃徽渭?,一位遠(yuǎn)見(jiàn)卓識(shí)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人,一位奉行以人民為中心、全心全意為人民服務(wù)的領(lǐng)袖?!?/p>









  訪問(wèn)期間,習(xí)近平主席在巴基斯坦議會(huì)發(fā)表題為《構(gòu)建中巴命運(yùn)共同體 開(kāi)辟合作共贏新征程》的重要演講,并向巴基斯坦友好人士和團(tuán)體代表頒發(fā)和平共處五項(xiàng)原則友誼獎(jiǎng),表彰他們?yōu)橥苿?dòng)中巴友好所作貢獻(xiàn)。習(xí)主席還在巴基斯坦總理府種下了中巴友誼樹(shù)。

  巴基斯坦參議院國(guó)防和國(guó)防生產(chǎn)委員會(huì)主席、穆斯林聯(lián)盟(領(lǐng)袖派)秘書(shū)長(zhǎng)、巴中學(xué)會(huì)主席穆沙希德·侯賽因·賽義德(Mushahid Hussain Sayed)表示,習(xí)近平主席在伊斯蘭堡為他頒發(fā)了和平共處五項(xiàng)原則友誼獎(jiǎng),他感到這是“一個(gè)莫大的榮幸。”







  瓜達(dá)爾港被視為中巴經(jīng)濟(jì)走廊皇冠上的明珠。它曾經(jīng)是一個(gè)小漁村, 現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)建設(shè)成為一個(gè)現(xiàn)代化的港口。港口周?chē)⒘艘粋€(gè)自由貿(mào)易區(qū),以及一些配套設(shè)施,包括學(xué)校、醫(yī)院和一座新機(jī)場(chǎng)。哈克說(shuō),那里還在建設(shè)更多的工廠。

  哈克說(shuō): “港口的建設(shè)不僅改善了當(dāng)?shù)厝说纳?,而且還有利于兩國(guó)之間的貿(mào)易聯(lián)系,以及與中亞地區(qū)的互聯(lián)互通?!?/p>

  巴基斯坦駐華大使館表示,中巴經(jīng)濟(jì)走廊為巴基斯坦創(chuàng)造了7.5萬(wàn)個(gè)就業(yè)崗位,每年對(duì)巴基斯坦國(guó)內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值( GDP )的貢獻(xiàn)達(dá)到了1% 至2% 。


  伊斯蘭堡戰(zhàn)略研究所中巴研究中心主任塔拉特?沙比爾(Talat Shabbir)表示,第二階段將開(kāi)展產(chǎn)業(yè)合作,其中一個(gè)重點(diǎn)是建設(shè)四個(gè)經(jīng)濟(jì)特區(qū)。沙比爾說(shuō),這些措施旨在加強(qiáng)產(chǎn)業(yè)、促進(jìn)貿(mào)易、創(chuàng)造就業(yè)和推動(dòng)巴基斯坦經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)。




  巴基斯坦南亞與國(guó)際研究中心主任馬哈茂德·烏爾·哈?!ず?Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan)表示,基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施投資帶來(lái)的顯著 GDP 增長(zhǎng),將有助于在2030年前讓110萬(wàn)巴基斯坦人脫離極端貧困。


  中國(guó)日?qǐng)?bào)記者:陳穎群 許薇薇


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